Telltale Signs When Your Toenail Needs Attention

· Podiatrist Beaumaris,Podiatrist Mentone

Throughout the day, our feet put in a lot of effort to get us where we need to go and keep us steady. However, occasionally, we ignore them until a problem with our toenails arises. The truth is that neglecting toenail concerns might eventually result in more serious complications. So, how can you tell when to take care of your toenail?

Here are some telltale signs that act as an indicator that you need to hire a podiatrist in Beaumaris.

Painful Toes

Pain is an obvious indicator that something is wrong. If your toe throbs, especially when you wear shoes, it may have an ingrown toenail. This occurs when the nail's edge penetrates the surrounding skin. Pain around the toe is frequently accompanied by redness and swelling.

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A warning sign of an infection is pus or discharge coming from your toenail. This discharge may smell bad, be green or yellow, or both. Avoid squeezing or picking at it, as this can exacerbate the illness.


Smooth, pink, or pinkish-white toenails are usually indicative of good health. Discoloration may indicate an issue. Nail discolouration or yellowing may be a sign of a fungal infection, which can also make the nail brittle and disintegrate. A podiatrist (foot doctor) should be seen if there is no recent injury, as trauma can occasionally be the cause of black toenails.

Nutrient Deficiencies

A deficiency in important vitamins or minerals, such as biotin or iron, may be indicated by weak, brittle, or fragile nails.

Health Problems

Modifications to the colour, texture, or shape of nails may indicate the presence of underlying medical diseases such as diabetes, circulation problems, or thyroid concerns.

Beyond the Fundamentals

Troubleshooting toenails is not as simple as it seems. Here are a few more indicators to watch out for and hire a podiatrist in Mentone:

  • Nail Thickening or Malformation:

This may indicate a fungal infection or other underlying medical issues.

  • Breaking the Nail Off From the Nail Bed:

This can cause pain and make room for fungi or bacteria.

  • Bleeding Under the Nail:

While a stubbed toe might cause this, continuous bleeding calls for a visit to the podiatrist.

The secret is to intervene early! Do not hesitate to seek expert assistance if you observe any of these symptoms. A podiatrist can diagnose the issue and recommend the best course of action, whether home care or medical intervention. Taking quick care of toenail problems will help you maintain happy, healthy feet!